Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Another Brazilian Experience

After starting our operations in Brazil I got a number of chances to visit the country. One such trip was to Sao Paulo, the largest city of Brazil and entire southern hemisphere. Though our operations were from Rio, we had a lot of business interests in this city too. This made me to visit this city. As it was a planned trip, I got enough time to go for cheap airfare. To initiate the process I have collected airfares from different airlines and started negotiating with each of them.  Being a major city of the region almost all airlines are operating flights to Sao Paulo like Air France. Hence, I had to spend a lot of time for negotiation. Finally I flew to the city in one of the cheap flights to Sao Paulo. 
It is the largest city in Brazil in terms of financial earnings too. Though almost all international giants have a presence here, most of the income is generated from tourism and related industries. This city is a known destination for shopping, especially for luxury goods. Sao Paulo hosts many events too which attracts many visitors from around the globe. After the introduction of cheap tickets to Sao Paulo, the number of visitors has increased who are coming here to participate in such events.

Sao Paulo Art Bienal, the cultural even organized in every two years attracting more than a million people every time. It also provides a stage for meeting the south and north. This city is also known for fashions and several such fashion shows are being conducted here throughout the year. However, the Sao Paulo Fashion Week is the largest among them and is the largest fashion show in the entire Latin American region. Besides these events it hosts a number of other events too such as International Gay Pride Parade, International Film Festival, and International Festival for Electronic Art etc.
Like any other cities of Brazil, you can see a number of musical halls and venues for performing arts here too. Samba is there in the air and it is there in the blood of every Brazilian. Football too enjoys the same status. I got enough time witness two or three such music and dance shows here. More than the dancers and musicians on the stage, the spectators will make you enjoy the show with their samba steps and humming.

When you come out of the dance hall, there are many good restaurants to offer you the traditional Brazilian dishes. With good hotels and resorts, the authorities are ready to offer you a good time over here. That is why I have decided to visit this city again. I hope I will get many more chances to visit this city as we have business interests here.