Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Must dos for backpackers in Mexico

Are you a backpacker and traveling to Mexico? Of course, before you buy airline tickets and travel by Aeromexico flights or by other international airlines, you must first of all prepare a list of must dos that would be convenient during your trip. I am a backpacker and already been to Mexico and thoroughly enjoyed my visit in this great destination. Let me share my experiences as a backpacker that would indeed prove to be beneficial to you during your visit here.

In my view, here are some of the most important things that one should typically do as a backpacker. The first thing in your priority should be to explore the pyramids and historical sites here. Huge pyramids and elaborate cities with beautiful and intricate artwork were constructed by the Mayans, Aztecs, Teotihuacans and other pre-Columbian cultures. During the Spanish conquest or simply over time most of the treasures have been lost. However, some large ones still remain. You’ll find it simply fascinating to visit several ruins that contain pyramids, such as Ek Balam, Chichen Itza, Uxmal, Xochicalco and Teotihuacan. 

The culture and arts scene in Mexico is quite diverse and rich because of loads of Spanish influence and dozens of indigenous traditions. Being a backpacker I found it exciting to stumble upon dancers, street artists, music shows and much more while traveling through various cities in the country. During my visit to the city of Mérida I was fortunate to see dance shows, music, street concerts and buskers etc being held around the Zócalo (central plaza) for the entire day. It was simply awesome.

While visiting the historic sites and other places of tourist interests, do make it a point to avoid being trapped by the “special price for you” type stores, where you can just end up paying more if not cautious. This typically happens with tourist at several souvenir shops, artist markets and places to buy trinkets. On a visit to Yucatan I found many shorts-wearing camera-wielding resort-going tourists sitting in tourist buses and going for visits to exclusive art shops. If you are not careful enough you always run the risk of being fleeced.   
These are some of my experiences that I preferred to share. However, there are many more experiences that I have as a backpacker, which I would reflect in my other writings. Hope, you will love reading this and implement wherever you going as a backpacker.