Friday, January 25, 2013

Singapore - The tiny and beautiful Island!

Test Singapore has always been my favorite place. I have visited it a number of times and prefer to visit it whenever I can. This is a fantastic place which everyone must visit. After a couple of years I again got yearning to visit this amazing city-state and decided to book China Airlines flights to Singapore from Los Angeles. I mostly travel on this airline as I find it comfortable. Being a frequent flyer, the travel company Fare Buzz through which I buy airline tickets offers me great deals enabling me to save for my trip. 

I was now headed to Singapore. I boarded my flight at Los Angeles International Airport. It took nearly 20 hours for me to arrive at Singapore International Airport. The journey was grueling indeed, but my overall stay in this tiny, beautiful island was rather pleasant. I want to acquaint my readers about what attractions to see here. This would act as a ready reckoner for them to know beforehand and accordingly prepare for their visit here.

Singapore appears as only a dot on the world map, but is indeed a tiny and beautiful island worth visiting. Whenever I visit here I feel simply at home – quite safe and completely free. It’s quite a unique country in its own way. The people are hospitable and friendly. The country is in fact multi-racial with people speaking varied languages. Tourists find this quite interesting. It’s a place where you will find many kinds of food. You just need to try these to get the real taste. The place also has many shopping centers and visitors are greatly attracted to these.

You’ll find yourself at ease as everybody speaks English. For a visitor, whether traveling for the first time or regularly, it is seemingly easy as road sign and informative board are all in English. For English-knowing this is therefore a great relief. 

Tourists find Singapore a unique place. This is perhaps the only country in the world having two zoos for different durations of the day. One zoo is open to the visitors during the day time only, while another zoo can be visited during the night time only. The Zoological Garden can be frequented by the visitors only during the day time. The night Safari is available in the night time.

Sentosa Island, a recreational island, is another important attraction to pay a visit. Here you’ll get to see a lot of things, such as Siloso beach, butterfly garden, underwater aquarium, and the water musical fountain at night. You can also climb the top of Merlion to get a beautiful view of the surrounding island and southern part of Singapore. Hope you liked it and I strongly recommend Singapore as a must-visit destination.